• Solar Screen Material Rolls Shades Power Roller Blinds Fabric 8000 - 8% Qhib

    Solar Screen Material Rolls Shades Power Roller Blinds Fabric 8000 - 8% Qhib

    Kev zam niaj hnub hloov pauv tas li, thiab cov xim muaj zog yeej ib txwm ua haujlwm hauv lub voj voog zam vim lawv cov ntsiab lus, tab sis tsis yog qhov txawv txav.Cov qhov muag tsis pom xim xim yog qhov yooj yim thiab atmospheric, uas yuav ntxiv kev nkag siab zoo rau koj lub tsev temperament.Wb cia Groupeve qhia koj cov kev txawj xim qhov rai sib tw!

    1. Kev sib koom ua ke ntawm lub suab nrov

    Qhov tseeb, nws yog qhov yooj yim kom phim curtains nrog cov xim tawv.Yog tias koj yog tus tshiab, koj tuaj yeem xav txog nws.Thaum xaiv cov ntaub thaiv zoo, koj tuaj yeem xav sim ua ke nrog lub suab tag nrho.Txawm hais tias cov nyhuv ntawm qhov kev nthuav qhia tsis muaj zog, nws yog qhov yooj yim thiab dav.

  • Tuam Tshoj Chaw tsim tshuaj paus Sunscreen Cov Menyuam Blinds Fabric Sunshade Curtain Blinds 9000 - 0% Qhib

    Tuam Tshoj Chaw tsim tshuaj paus Sunscreen Cov Menyuam Blinds Fabric Sunshade Curtain Blinds 9000 - 0% Qhib

    Formaldehyde thiab Ammonia-muaj dye




    Ntau qhov ntxoov ntxoo fabrics feem ntau dhau los tiv thaiv shrinkage, tiv thaiv scalding, tiv thaiv wrinkle thiab kho xim kho thaum dyeing thiab xov.Feem ntau, kev sib txuas sib txuas yuav tsum tau ua, thiab formaldehyde yog siv dav siv los ntawm kev sib txuas.


    Vim yog qhov tsis tiav ntawm kev sib txuas ntawm kev sib txuas, formaldehyde uas tsis koom nrog kev sib txuas ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kab mob lossis formaldehyde uas tsim los ntawm hydrolysis yuav raug tso tawm los ntawm cov ntaub thaiv hnub ci, uas yuav ua rau muaj kev kub ntxhov rau cov kab mob ua pa mucosa, daim tawv nqaij thiab qhov muag, ua rau mob. , txawm inducing allergy thiab mob cancer.

  • Sheer Elegance Sun Shade Sunscreen Mesh Curtain Blinds PVC Fabrics

    Sheer Elegance Sun Shade Sunscreen Mesh Curtain Blinds PVC Fabrics

    Sunscreen ntaub


    Sunscreen npuag yog ib qho kev ua haujlwm pab lub hnub ci ntaub los thaiv lub hnub ci thiab tshav ntuj.Nws feem ntau yog siv los npog cov khoom kom tsis txhob sib cuag nrog lub teeb muaj zog thiab muaj kev cuam tshuam los thaiv lub teeb muaj zog thiab ultraviolet rays thiab lwm yam.


    Yeej, qhov qub mesh npo npuag blackout tus nqi nce mus txog 85% -99%, qhov qhib nws txawv ntawm 1% -15%, nplaim hluav taws muaj nuj nqi muaj nrog cov nplaim hluav taws kub nyhiab.

  • Durable Ladder Tape Verman Blinds Fabric 100% Blackout

    Durable Ladder Tape Verman Blinds Fabric 100% Blackout

    Verman dig muag ntaub yog ib qho qauv tsim tshiab uas sib txuas cov ntaub ntawv, lub qhov rais qhov muag thiab qhov muag tsis pom kev.Nws muaj kev ua haujlwm ntawm shading thiab kho kom zoo nkauj ntawm daim ntaub.Thiab nws yog dav siv hauv chaw ua haujlwm, tsev, tsev so, factories thiab lwm lub sijhawm.Groupeve Verman qhov muag tsis pom ntaub tuaj yeem ua rau koj muaj kev zoo siab nyob ze rau qhov xwm txheej, so thiab zoo siab, kuj tuaj yeem coj koj txoj kev nyob ntsiag to thiab nyob hauv lub vaj kaj siab.Nws tuaj yeem muab faib ua semi-blackout verman blinds ntaub thiab blackout verman blinds blackout ntaub.


    Cov khoom ntawm verman blinds ntaub yog 100% polyester.Peb muab cov qauv dawb rau txhua tus neeg siv khoom, koj tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas qhov zoo thiab xaiv xim ncaj qha ua ntej kev txiav txim.Dab tsi ntxiv, peb cov ntaub yog nplua nuj xim thiab ua raws li cov qauv ntawm kev zam thoob ntiaj teb.

  • Tshiab Tsim Lag luam wholesale Ladder Daim kab xev Verman Blinds Fabric Blackout

    Tshiab Tsim Lag luam wholesale Ladder Daim kab xev Verman Blinds Fabric Blackout

    Verman dig muag ntaub yog ib qho qauv tsim tshiab uas sib txuas cov ntaub ntawv, lub qhov rais qhov muag thiab qhov muag tsis pom kev.Nws muaj kev ua haujlwm ntawm shading thiab kho kom zoo nkauj ntawm daim ntaub.Thiab nws yog dav siv hauv chaw ua haujlwm, tsev, tsev so, factories thiab lwm lub sijhawm.Groupeve Verman qhov muag tsis pom ntaub tuaj yeem ua rau koj muaj kev zoo siab nyob ze rau qhov xwm txheej, so thiab zoo siab, kuj tuaj yeem coj koj txoj kev nyob ntsiag to thiab nyob hauv lub vaj kaj siab.Nws tuaj yeem muab faib ua semi-blackout verman blinds ntaub thiab blackout verman blinds blackout ntaub.


    Cov khoom ntawm verman blinds ntaub yog 100% polyester.Peb muab cov qauv dawb rau txhua tus neeg siv khoom, koj tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas qhov zoo thiab xaiv xim ncaj qha ua ntej kev txiav txim.Dab tsi ntxiv, peb cov ntaub yog nplua nuj xim thiab ua raws li cov qauv ntawm kev zam thoob ntiaj teb.

  • Niaj hnub nimno Tsim Verman Blinds Fabric 100% Polyester

    Niaj hnub nimno Tsim Verman Blinds Fabric 100% Polyester

    Verman dig muag ntaub yog ib qho qauv tsim tshiab uas sib txuas cov ntaub ntawv, lub qhov rais qhov muag thiab qhov muag tsis pom kev.Nws muaj kev ua haujlwm ntawm shading thiab kho kom zoo nkauj ntawm daim ntaub.Thiab nws yog dav siv hauv chaw ua haujlwm, tsev, tsev so, factories thiab lwm lub sijhawm.Groupeve Verman qhov muag tsis pom ntaub tuaj yeem ua rau koj muaj kev zoo siab nyob ze rau qhov xwm txheej, so thiab zoo siab, kuj tuaj yeem coj koj txoj kev nyob ntsiag to thiab nyob hauv lub vaj kaj siab.Nws tuaj yeem muab faib ua semi-blackout verman blinds ntaub thiab blackout verman blinds blackout ntaub.


    Cov khoom ntawm verman blinds ntaub yog 100% polyester.Peb muab cov qauv dawb rau txhua tus neeg siv khoom, koj tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas qhov zoo thiab xaiv xim ncaj qha ua ntej kev txiav txim.Dab tsi ntxiv, peb cov ntaub yog nplua nuj xim thiab ua raws li cov qauv ntawm kev zam thoob ntiaj teb.

  • Tus nqi pheej yig Zebra Blinds Fabric Nrog Plain Xim

    Tus nqi pheej yig Zebra Blinds Fabric Nrog Plain Xim

    Zebra Blinds Fabric

    Zebra blinds ntaub tseem hu ua sheer blinds fabric, rainbow blinds fabric, dimming roller blinds fabric, and two-layer roller blinds fabric or dual roller blinds fabric, originated in South Kauslim thiab tseem nrov heev thoob ntiaj teb.Nws yog ib hom ntaub tsis tsuas yog ua ke nrog qhov zoo ntawm daim ntaub thiab mesh, tab sis kuj sib xyaw ua haujlwm ntawm venetian blinds, roller blinds thiab Roman blinds.Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv tsev, tsev so, tsev noj mov, villas, high-end chaw ua hauj lwm vaj tse thiab lwm yam. qhov chaw.

    Piv nrog rau feem ntau zebra blinds ntaub nyob rau hauv kev ua lag luam, cov tsos ntawm Groupeve zebra blinds ntaub yog zoo dua, thiab cov lag luam yog yooj yim dua.

    Txais tos tiv tauj peb rau DAWB SAMPLE & QUOTE!

    Judy Jia +8615208497699

  • Tuam Tshoj Mechanism Sau Sunshade Sunshine Sunshine Fabrics rau Cov Menyuam Qhov Muag

    Tuam Tshoj Mechanism Sau Sunshade Sunshine Sunshine Fabrics rau Cov Menyuam Qhov Muag

    Nrov Sunscreen Dig Muag Npuag

    1.Sunscreen ntaub yog hluav taws kub thiab nplaim hluav taws, cov tsev loj loj thiab cov chaw ua haujlwm yuav tsum ua kom tau raws li cov qauv kev tiv thaiv hluav taws hauv lub tebchaws.Tam sim no, raws li kev xav tau ntawm lub tsev sib txawv, cov ntaub ntawv ntxoov ntxoo feem ntau siv cov nplaim hluav taws kub B1 qib (oxygen index ≥32, cov tsev dav dav muaj nyob) thiab B2 qib.

    2.Qhov loj yog tas li.Cov khoom siv ntawm cov ntaub thaiv hnub ci txiav txim siab tias nws tsis yog malleable, yuav tsis deform, thiab tuav nws flatness.

    Txais tos tiv tauj peb rau cov qauv dawb thiab nqi!

    Judy Jia: +8615208497699

  • 10 Xyoo Warranty Cov Menyuam Qhov Muag Tsis Pom Npuag Blackout Nyiaj Npog

    10 Xyoo Warranty Cov Menyuam Qhov Muag Tsis Pom Npuag Blackout Nyiaj Npog

    Tshiab style polyester silver txheej blackout cov menyuam qhov muag tsis pom ntaub yog ua los ntawm cov khoom siv polyester zoo heev, uas tuaj yeem kho kom tsis txhob muaj kab mob thiab txo cov xim tsis zoo.Qhov no rau multifunctional blackout menyuam qhov muag tsis pom ntaub yog stylish heev thiab tuaj yeem muab lub siab zoo.Nws tuaj yeem thaiv cov kab hluav taws xob ultraviolet ntawm lub hnub thiab thaiv lub suab nrov.Tus nqi yog tsim nyog thiab siv dav.

    Nws muaj ntau yam ntaub ntawv, nrog rau cov yam ntxwv sib txawv thiab cov kev mob ntawm kev siv.Nws yog ua los ntawm 100% polyester thiab muab 100% shading nyhuv, uas yog heev haum rau cov neeg uas xav tau kev ceev ntiag tug.Cov qauv yuav coj qee qhov kev xav rau koj lub tsev, thiab cov nyhuv zoo nkauj yog qhov zoo heev.

    Txais tos tiv tauj peb kom tau txais cov qauv dawb los kuaj xyuas qhov zoo.

    Judy Jia: +8615208497699

  • 100% Polyester Cov Menyuam Duav Qhov Muag Npuag Blackout Ua Npuas Ncauj Npog

    100% Polyester Cov Menyuam Duav Qhov Muag Npuag Blackout Ua Npuas Ncauj Npog

    Tshiab style polyester blackout cov menyuam qhov muag tsis pom ntaub yog ua los ntawm cov khoom siv polyester zoo heev, uas tuaj yeem kho kom tsis txhob muaj kab mob thiab txo cov xim tsis zoo.Lawv yooj yim heev los ntxuav thiab ruaj khov.Tsis tas li ntawd, Groupeve tuaj yeem pab koj xaiv cov ntaub tsim nyog rau thaj chaw muaj av noo xws li chav dej lossis qhov chaw sov.Txhawm rau ua kom lub ntsej muag zoo meej, thov siv peb cov khoom siv sib txuam (xws li hauv qab cov ntsia hlau, cov hlua khi thiab cov hlua khi) thiab cov kev ua haujlwm nrov nrov ntxiv, uas tuaj yeem nkaum cov lus sib dhos thiab cov khoom sib dhos, yog li txhim kho cov haujlwm ntawm Cov Txheej Txheem Tshiab polyester blackout roller. dig muag.

    Txais tos tiv tauj peb kom tau txais cov qauv dawb los kuaj xyuas qhov zoo.

    Judy Jia: +8615208497699

  • Fashionable Tshiab Style Triple Layer Shangri-La Npuag Semi-blackout

    Fashionable Tshiab Style Triple Layer Shangri-La Npuag Semi-blackout

    Shangri-La blinds (tseem hu ua sheer blinds) yog ib hom kev tswj lub teeb pom kev zoo, uas muaj ib khub ntawm cov ntawv sib txuas nrog ntau cov hniav.Thaum lub qhov muag tsis pom kev, cov hniav yog qhov sib npaug mus rau ob nplooj ntawv, thiab thaum qhib, cov hniav txuas mus rau ib txoj hauj lwm zoo perpendicular rau ob nplooj ntawv.Ntawm lawv, daim ntawv thiab cov mesh yog kev koom ua ke los ntawm textile lossis lwm yam txheej txheem.Thaum txhua qhov qhib, ob txheej ntawm tulle yog perpendicular thiab parallel rau ib leeg.Lub sijhawm no, lub teeb yuav raug txo thaum hla qhov siab ntawm ib sab ntawm cov xov paj.Txuas ntxiv mus kho qhov siab ntawm cov curtains, cov qhov muag tsis pom yuav dov li ntawm lub axis sab sauv.


    Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv tsev, tsev so, tsev noj mov, villas, high-end chaw ua hauj lwm vaj tse thiab lwm qhov chaw.Rau Shangri-La blinds ntaub, qhov dav peb ua yog 3m, thiab cov khoom yog 100% polyester.

  • Sab nraum zoov Phau Ntawv Zebra Sun Screen Cov Menyuam Duav Qhov Muag Sunscreen Blinds Fabrics

    Sab nraum zoov Phau Ntawv Zebra Sun Screen Cov Menyuam Duav Qhov Muag Sunscreen Blinds Fabrics

    Sunscreen Zebra Fabric


    Zebra blinds tseem hu ua soft yarn blinds, rainbow blinds, dimming roller blinds, double-layer blinds.Ib daim ntaub woven ua los ntawm cov ntaub me me ntawm cov ntaub thiab cov ntaub qhwv nrog cov dav dav sib npaug sib nrug ntawm ib leeg, tsau los ntawm ib qho kawg, thiab lwm qhov kawg yog dov nrog cov ncej los kho lub teeb.


    Thaum lub gauze thiab gauze sib tshooj, lub teeb yog qhov muag muag, rau ib qho twg, txo lub teeb ncaj qha.Thaum cov ntaub thiab cov ntaub yog staggered, lub teeb yog tag nrho thaiv, thiaj li mus cuag thaum kawg lub hom phiaj ntawm thaiv lub teeb.Thaum cov qhov muag tsis pom kev yuav tsum tau qhib tag nrho, cov qhov muag tsis pom kev tuaj yeem dov tag nrho.Lub qhov muag tsis pom kev zebra sib xyaw ua kom sov ntawm cov ntaub, qhov yooj yim ntawm cov menyuam qhov muag tsis pom kev, thiab kev ua haujlwm dimming ntawm cov qhov muag tsis pom.Nws yog ib qho yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam thiab muaj ntau yam shading cov ntaub ntawv yam tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam rau kev pom kev.Nws yog qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau chav ua haujlwm thiab tsev kho kom zoo nkauj qhov rais.

Xa koj cov lus rau peb

Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb